The Government of VN
The government is the executive body of the National Assembly and the highest state administrative body of Socialist Republic of VN.
The government assumes the unified administration of the implementation of all political, economic, cultural, national defense, security anf external activities of the State; Ensures the effectiveness of the State apparatus from the center to the grassroots level ;Ensures respect for and observance of the Constitutional law;Promotes the people’s right to mastery in national construction anf defense;Ensures the stabilization an improvement of the material and cultural life of the people.
The Government is accountable to the National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the President of the State.
At present, the Government consists of 18 ministries and 4 ministerial agencies.

The Judiciary of VN
It is duty of the People’s Court and the People’s Office of Supervision and Control to protect socialist legality, the socialist regime and the people’s mastery, the property of the State and the collectives, the lives, property, freedom,honour and dignity of citizens.
The supreme People’s Court, the local People’s Court, the Military Tribunals and other tribunals are the judicial organs of the Socialist Republic of VN.
The tenure of office of the President of the Supreme People’s Court shall be the same as that of the National Assembly.
During a trial, judges and assessors are independent and shall only obey the law. The People’s Court shall hold its hearings in public, except in cases determined by law.
The People’s Courts shall try their cases collegially and their decisions shall conform to the will of the majority.
The legislature of VN
In VN, the only organ with constitutional and legislative powers is the National Assembly. The National Assembly has the obligation and power to make and to amend laws, to work out a program for making laws and decree-laws.( có thể bỏ cũng được)
According to the 1992 Consitution, the country’s President, the Stading Committee of the National Assembly, the Nationalities Council and Committees of the National Assembly, the Government, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Office of Supervision and Control, the VietNam Fatherland Front and its member organizations may present draft laws to the National Assembly.
Laws and resolutions of the National Assembly must be approved by more than half of the total membership. Decisions amend the Constitution must be approved by at least two- thirds of its total membership.The Standing Committee which has the power to interpret the constitution, the law and decree- laws, to enact decree- laws on matters entrusted to it by the National Assembly.
The Government of UK
The Government consists of the ministers who are appointed by the Crown on the recommendation of the Prime minister, the Prime Minister is appointed directly by the Crown and is the leader of the political party which at the time has majority of seats in the House of Commons.
The Prime minister is the head of the Government and presides over meetings of the Cabinet. The Prime minister is the principal spokesman for the Government, by convention he is always a Member of the House of Commons.
The Cabinet is the nucleus of government and its members are selected by the Prime Minister;
Its principal function is to determine, control and integrate the policies of the government for submission to Parliament.
The State of VN
The political system of VietNam consists of the Communist  party of VietNam, the Sate and the socio- political organization
The Sate includes the legislature, the executive and the judiciary;
The socialist Republic of VN is a State of  the people, from the people, for the people, all state power belongs to the people and is based on an alliance between the working class, the peasantry and the intelligentsia
The state carries out a policy of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance among all nationalities, and forbids all acts of national discrimination and division

The legislature of UK
The main legislative body in Britain is the Parliament. The British Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons .The Queen is the formal head of Parliament. The House of Commons is an elected chamber and has more power than the House of Lords.
New laws can only come into force when they have passed through Parliament. A proposal for a new law is called a bill, each bill must have three readings and receives Royal Assent from the Queen.
Britain is a constitutional monarchy without a written constitution.
Parliament has direct and exclusive control over legislation. It can make new laws, replace any of the laws already in force with other laws,turn conventions into laws, or even overturn established conventions.

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